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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ɡəˈlæktɪk] 英式发音: [ɡə'læktɪk]







1.银河的;星系的relating to a galaxy


adj.1.relating to a galaxy

1.银河的 5.yamamai 日本柞蚕 1 galactic 银河的 2 garanium 天竺葵 ...

2.星系的 gala 祭日,节日,祝贺 galactic 星系的,银河系的 gale 狂风,一阵(笑声) ...

3.星盈 苹果( Apple) 星盈( Galactic) 新宇( newood) ...

4.银河系的 gala 祭日,节日,祝贺 galactic 星系的,银河系的 gale 狂风,一阵(笑声) ...

5.巨大的 12. starch 淀粉 13. galactic 银河的,巨大的 14. come into play 开始活动/起作用 ...

6.极大的 ... galactic nebula 银河星云 galactic 极大的 galactin 泌乳激素 ...

7.催乳的 galactemia 血乳;乳血症 galactic 乳(汁)的;催乳的 galactin 催乳激素 ...


1.But only a few of those supermassive black holes glow fiercely enough for scientists to call them "active galactic nuclei. "但是只有少数超级黑洞可以发出足够强烈的光线,科学家们称之为“活动星系核”。

2.This pair of galaxies illuminates the distribution of galactic dust beyond the visible arms of a spiral galaxy.这两个重叠的星系发出的光照亮了一个螺旋星云的一条可见的旋臂上分布的尘埃。

3."There is no 'galactic alignment' in 2012, " he said, "or at least nothing out of the ordinary. "“2012年不会有‘星系连线’出现,”他说,“至少是没有什么不寻常的事情会发生。”

4.In fact, astronomy cannot pinpoint such a "galactic alignment" to within a year, much less a day.事实上,天文学还不能在一年的误差内计算这一“银河连珠”事件发生的时间,更不用说精确到某一天了。

5.We dearly desire to begin a more personal approach to you and be able to make our broadcasts together with the Galactic Federation of Light.我们非常渴望与你们开始一个更加个人化的演讲,能够让我们与来自光的银河联邦的朋友们一同向你们广播。

6.We are the Galactic Federation of Light, here with you working through to the conclusion of our mission together.我们是光之银河联邦。我们与你共同完成最终使命。

7.The star to be moving rapidly, perhaps in an orbit around the densely concentrated stars of the galactic nucleus.这颗星看来正在以高速运动着,其运动轨道大概就围绕着由高度密集的恒星所构成的银河系核心。

8.Further out, galactic magnetic fields should deflect the particles so much that the hotspots would be smeared out across the sky.进一步指出,银河系磁场的粒子应该转移的热点,以至于将整个天空涂抹。

9.You may be surprised that it is i who am bringing this message to you and not one of the 'galactic beings' as they are termed.你们可能会惊讶,是我把这讯息带给你们,而不是一个正如他们被命名为的“银河的存在”。

10.Navigate asteroid belts and prepare to fight for your life or to the death against the galactic invaders.导航的小行星带,并准备去争取你的生活,或者死亡对银河系的侵略者。
